Good Day Society strives to foster community engagement, enhance community cohesion, promote sustainability and communal aesthetics through creative arts and cultural programmes. We excel in the observation and analysis of community issues, as well as curating sustainable design projects and innovative education workshops.
Our team boasts years of experience in a broad range of expertise, including event curation, community research and promotion, as well as consultation and education in community design.
2. 2018
[ 灣仔好墟冚2:這裡有暖藍 Halo! Wanchai Bazaar 2 ]
灣仔好日誌由一個社區實驗計劃開始,集合擁有創意能量的朋友和街坊,連結成敢說敢做的社區平台,會發掘好玩的公共空間,例如為「流動單車市集」探路、舉辦社區放映會、草地上的繪本公園、日落海邊的碼頭漂書館。推動公民參與社區自主,由民間主導更利民貼地的城市規劃,同時在生活中實踐保護生態環境。 站在好日誌當下的立場與理念,文化藝術的意義不是空洞的風花雪月,不是膚淺的唯美浪漫,更不是用來粉飾太平所利用的工具。最真心的文化藝術工作者,必會言行一致,不計較自己形象,更不會懼怕或忌諱得罪權貴,敢於推動社會走最前,用各種行動去表達這樣的訊息!
Wanchai needs something from us all. Together, we can create a diverse community, drive fair public participation, archive our creative works, and share the joys of everyday life.